
In celebration! In gratitude! And In love!

Thank you Chris smith for this beautiful gift
of heartfelt love and appreciation

We treasure our students and are honored to be a part of their personal growth and learning.


Thank you! ...And also thank you so much for your fantastic trainings. I've grown so much in my knowledge, skills and confidence in these two advanced trainings. (Still some ways to go with this confidence issue, but I think more flight hours will take care of that quickly.) And I am certain there have been many seeds planted during the trainings, that will be sprouted and growing and growing for a long time as my practice grows! Your authenticity, simplicity and pragmatic compassion and wisdom are so powerful, and I want to reflect them and embody them in my own authentic way, as best I can.

Thanks again for your teachings and presence.


I for one have had challenges walking, let alone driving to Lafayette, CA for the classes. So, I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been able to take all four directions of the Shamanic certification program with Annie Blackstone online with Zoom last year. Otherwise, I know I couldn’t have done it. I can basically wear the most comfortable clothing, as well as be in the most comfortable setting. To do; a lot of times some heavy emotional work. So, I personally find that the “home” environment. Our own environments, during the journeying process are beneficial to the outcome of the journeys.  

If you are worried about Zoom and energy, at all? Don’t be! I have been worked on this past twelve months, via Zoom. Probably more than any other classmate? I can personally tell you that the illumination process, extraction process and everything in between works most effectively.

I am grateful to have been able to participate in Reiki free clinics, Shamanic healing circles and meetups, as well as continue my spiritual growth at HCH without having the stress of leaving the house. Welcome to the future.


Angela Bassi

I have been going to HCH for healing services, classes, and workshops for many years now, and I have had many wonderful experiences. When I first visited one of their Shamanic practitioners, I was struggling with chronic illness and depression. With just a couple of Shamanic sessions, I felt healthier and happier than I had felt in years. This inspired me to attend their Shamanic Practitioner training, which continued my own healing process, and gave me the tools to help others have the same experiences. There are many amazing practitioners affiliated with HCH, and Holly and Paul do an amazing job of managing the Institute and offering so many powerful healing services to the community. Whether you are feeling unwell or you are in good health, I recommend HCH to anybody who wants to see how their lives can be more beautiful, joyful, and fulfilling!

Charlie Cocks

My, oh my. Time seems drastically different to me for the past year, but especially since this training has started. I can't believe you sent this email out 9 days ago, I was sure it was three. Very interesting!

Just another update about my progression in this class: I am understanding the quantum field deeper by the day as the lessons sink in and mingle with life experiences. I have been busy taking my college courses, this one, and getting our house on the market so that we can move to Florida in July. Stressful, crazy at times, but overall deeply joyful! The changes in location and time perception for me are related to the inner healing work that we have been doing. I didn't anticipate that I would be reunited with my family in Florida as a result, but it's happening and in such a healthy way - trauma led us apart, but our hearts are now easily coming back together. It goes further than that too, when I meet with my future self, she is zip-lipped about the details of the ongoing world changes, but her smile says it all.

Blessings and gratitude,


First time taking an online class and I was skeptical about the atmosphere and overall learning environment since we are not in person however, I found that I was able to focus better on the speaker’s message and expression without the distractions of an in person class room environment. I was more present in the subject matter as the focus was honed in on the material. 

I am very satisfied with the experience online and the progress made through the entire curriculum. 

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in an in depth learning environment so this questions is hard to answer. When I had an inquiry and/or questions I was not hesitant to ask it. The amount of students made the classroom experience more intimate offer a greater level of support for all questions and shared experiences.

The Practice Sessions and breakout rooms are effective and similar to a normal face to face interaction without being physically present with each other. The instructors dropping in to check on the progress is beneficial when additional support is needed.

The quality is more than I expected and extremely fascinating. Being a complete novice to the field of hypnotherapy the structure of the lessons and practice sessions flowed very well. Being able to practice with other students as the hypnotee and hypnotherapist was extremely beneficial. Providing live and real time examples of a practice session that cannot be duplicated by reading other people’s experiences has helped actualize the process. Jumping right into the work was a pleasant surprise as we did not have to wait to delve into the sessions. Experience was built right away through practice and on hand training. 

Roberto Carias

No words can express the life affirming experiences I've had as a client & student at HCH. After 20 years calling in the "right match" to support my emotional healing & spiritual growth, I finally found a home where experienced, intellectually challenging, transformation driven, compassionate hypnotherapists, Reiki & Shamanic practitioners are TRULY dedicated to your growth & empowerment. At a super reasonable cost! I'm on the path to living authentically as my Divine self now & already excited for YOU and your journey should you choose to bring HCH into your life!

Renata Bilella

What is offered in the HCH environment is nonjudgmental, unconditional love and support that empowers and brings forth a student's inner wisdom and highest potential. As well as offering research-based education and proven healing techniques, gentle yet exquisite trust is shown for each person's growth process. I experienced not only my own personal transformation but also witnessed the same unfolding illumination from undermining thought patterns and limiting core beliefs with each of my fellow classmates. HCH offers what quality education is all about: empowering students to become the unique beings they're meant to be. Holly imbues the learning environment with safety, encouragement, and love-eliciting hearts to open, confidence to emerge, and transformation to happen. The classroom is relaxed and comfortable, no one is ever made to feel wrong, there is no competition, no hierarchy, and no grades. Everyone is considered a wisening learner, including the teachers. No questions are too silly, there is room to share personal experience in utmost confidentiality, and all learning styles are respected and honored.

As a doctoral student at one of the Bay Area's finest accredited institutions of transpersonal psychology, I was impressed and wowed by the alignment of HCH's content of instruction with my graduate courses. Perhaps most importantly, HCH is an exemplary model of a new paradigm of education-non-hierarchical in nature, everyone is considered a co-learner. The material offered is an integration of a wide-range of highly-effective holistic healing techniques that expand one's consciousness, nurture one's intuition, prompt the exploration of previously unknown resources, and build connection with all that is part of the human experience. Learning consists of experiential practicums, lectures, demonstrations, and out-of-class assignments. If you want personal transformation that feels like coming home and if you desire to learn highly-effective, research-based healing tools and techniques to offer clients in their endeavor of becoming whole, I highly recommend HCH's hypnotherapy certification training.




Initially, I was a little curious about how a 200 hour hypnotherapy program would work on-line via zoom, but overall it has worked marvelously. As a California based Marriage & Family Therapist I previously shied away from virtual work with clients and remote training thinking it was too "impersonal," but the COVID-19 pandemic literally forced me outside of my comfort zone and mixed things up! I have found that as long as there is a strong internet connection on both ends, virtual work via zoom is just as effective as in-person work. In fact, I love how there are fewer distractions while working virtually, and I think it is easier to stay on course as a result. Working from the comfort of my home and not having a commute has been nice as well! I feel connected with HCH teachers and staff who are always readily available via e-mail for questions or concerns. I think it is interesting meeting students from all over the country who bring unique backgrounds and skill sets (counseling, coaching, massage, wellness, corporate knowledge, etc.) with them into the training. During the practicum sessions which take place in zoom breakout rooms, we have an opportunity to get to know one another better and engage in hands-on learning with plenty of support. I am definitely glad that I invested in this particular hypnotherapy training as I find I am using this valuable material pretty much every day.

-Lindsay Voyles, LMFT, RYT-200

It is a chance of a lifetime to find HCH. I came from Canada to do this specific hypnotherapy training and it is still to this day the best decision of my life. Everyone should know and learn was is being taught at HCH Institute. I ended up doing the Reiki program and the shamanic training and many other extra classes. It all lead me to the internship which gave me a chance to explore all corners of this magical place. Put simply, you receive skills and tools to face the ever changing nature of life. It is a source of empowerment for everyone who gets to enjoy any of what is being offered at HCH. Holly and Paul run the place and they are very special people who carry this place with all their heart and with purpose. I can only encourage you to get a taste of the magic being shared there. Thank you again Holly and Paul for the gratitude and joy you brought into my life and the knowledge to carry it forward. *I believe these teachings are even more necessary with what the world is going though. The fact that these classes and services are available online is a blessing!

Simon Decarie

I am grateful that the HCH courses are being offered via Zoom, and actually amazed that they work so well without the benefit of being in-person. I am taking the Shamanic training with Annie Blackstone and am certain that the reason the training is so successful is b/c  she is such a good energy worker and communicator. The same is true about Reiki. Also, because of mobility and transportation challenges, there is no way that I could participate if the courses weren't done via Zoom. And of course, for those who live great distances away, the online option makes it possible to take the courses.

~ Kaia

Words cannot express all the gifts that I have received from the Hypnotherapy Training that I have just completed. It has been the exquisite response to my prayer. In September 2009 I attended an Open House that is put on at HCH for anyone who is interested in learning more about the different classes that they offer. I was looking for a place where I could learn to connect all my "book knowledge" regarding spiritual growth with my heart. I was immediately struck by the grounded and loving feeling from the teachers and the beautiful surroundings where the classes are taught. I chose to attend the Hypnotherapy training for my own personal growth and the program far exceeded my expectations. The director of HCH, Holly Holmes-Meredith, truly embodies the gift of teaching where her knowledge is abundant, captivating, and filled with wonder. Her enchanting presence stirs up and provokes the desire to learn more and more. Her quick sense of humor and thoughtful responses set an inviting tone that made me feel welcomed and valued. All the teachers contributed different aspects in the training and their variety of teaching styles greatly enhanced the richness of the program. I am already integrating my newly learned skills into my everyday life and I look forward to augmenting them with other classes HCH has to offer. I am grateful for the metaphysical healing programs that HCH have organically cultivated over the years. The authentic and enduring passion in all of the teachers will continue to attract spiritual beings longing to expand their consciousness.

Colleen Peterson


Holly's hypnotherapy program was the one of the best experiences of my life. I learned so many different skills and so many ways to use the hypnotherapy. Her staff was great. Each member of her staff had their own unique way of teaching. Everybody had something to offer that I can now take out in the world with me. Holly has a very strong and loving presence that really promotes personal growth.I learned so much about myself and I am a much stronger person inside and out. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking for self improvement and to be of service to the world. We are all fortunate that there are people like Holly out there who have dedicated their life towards the personal development of the human race. I am going out into the word a much wiser and more caring person. Thank you many times over to Holly and her staff. I am eternally grateful for this powerful growth experience.

Bill Sullivan


When I was originally looking for hypnotherapy training in the Greater Bay Area I asked all the people I respected - friends, students, therapists, doctors, counselors for their opinion regarding all the hypnotherapy training schools. Without exception, HCH was regarded much more highly than any of the others for it's depth and breadth of material, authenticity of the presenters, and it's spiritual yet practical approach. I took my first training at HCH in '97 and it's now '05. Over those 9 years I've continued to take classes as HCH is consistently presenting new, cutting edge techniques as well as refining and updating their original material. HCH practices what it teaches.

Sybil Holiday,CCHT


The Internship was the perfect next step for me after completing the Hypnotherapy Training at HCH. Working with clients from the low-fee clinic gave me the opportunity to strengthen my skills in a very practical way. Weekly meetings provided a safe,supportive environment for us to share our clinical experience and find guidance and encouragement. Towards the end of the Internship, I was becoming aware that the hypnotherapy techniques I was using with my clients had been subtly transforming my own life. This has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I recommend it to anyone seeking not only personal growth but practical skills that lead to new career options.

Susan Adams,RN, CCHT

Thanks again for such a beautiful, enriching and life changing opportunity. I can truly say that I am a different person than when I began this program 4 months ago, so much clearer and stronger. It has opened new doors of perception, and illuminated a path that I have been trying to find for a very long time. I truly believe that your work at the HCH is the junction where grace, magic, and love meet!

Megan Woolever, CHT

The skills I received through HCH to become a certified hypnotherapist far exceeded my expectations. My clients are now reaping the benefits from the various methods I learned in the supervised training. In addition to the solid foundation offered, this school is filled with heart and soul.

Trina Swerdlow, BFA,CCHT  

This training course is so much more than what I had originally anticipated. I did not expect to be gaining so much personal healing and insight during this process-- and I'm only half way through the course! The instructors make themselves available outside of class and it really does feel like you're getting a wealth of knowledge and support surrounding you. It's amazing how this has all been achieved through zoom. The online format is very convenient in terms of location/timing, however sitting behind a screen for that many hours a day has proved to be a little bit challenging for me. I really like how the break-out rooms on zoom provide a separate private space to practice what we're learning with our respective partners. The PDF materials have also been incredibly useful, because I can digitally highlight and take notes while I am in class. I really enjoy the Spiritual angle that this material is mirrored off of, because it speaks directly to the fabric of my being. I am excited to continue learning, practicing, and feeling more and more prepared to utilize these methods in my practice. I hope there is a review day to refresh our memories of all the different intentions/modalities we learned. I feel very grateful to be here, in this course and would definitely do it all over again. 

 With Gratitude,

 Jzeela Gheisar MA, LMFT

Having begun my studies in hypnosis at HCH in 2002 with Holly Meredith-Holmes, my purpose was to expand my skills and earn CEUs. Each time that I have returned there I have been renewed and inspired by the Transpersonal approaches delivered in the Hypnotherapy curriculum. There are masterful demonstrations and plenty of opportunities to try new approaches. The breadth of techniques is impressive and the atmosphere at HCH is spiritual and supportive. In a refreshing contrast to the dry classroom type of training this training is experiential and direct. Strongly recommended to any MFT who is seeking to be more effective in healing!

Philip Rohrer, MFT

While I had been certified 10 years ago at Hypnotherapy Training Institute, I definitely recognize the difference in the two educational facilities. I have had the extreme pleasure of experiencing 65 additional hours of hypnotherapy classes under your tutelage.

The classes I took at HTI had approximately 30 students in the program. The classes were held in a motel's conference room. While we were trained in the basics, there was little opportunity to share or practice our profession in dyad's. When I decided to return for additional credit hours, HCH was the home I was looking for. Our group was small, thereby allowing for individual attention and critique and numerous opportunities for practice, thereby increasing our self confidence in the profession. In addition to that, the classes that HCH offered were Spiritually based. I thought this important as the work we do with individuals is very Spiritual in nature, including that of weight loss and "clean air breathing"

Thank you so much for the beautiful opportunity to become a graduate of HCH. My best to you always.

With deepest respect,

Kareena Hamilton


Having graduated from UC Berkeley, I did a lot of research before deciding to attend HCH. The staff and training at HCH exceeded my expectations in every way. I appreciate all the time and care Holly Holmes Meredith put into designing the curriculum--it shows! Most of the staff are Marriage and Family Therapists as well as Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists, and they bring their years of wisdom and clinical experience to their teaching.

Although I expected a positive learning experience, I was not prepared for the personal transformation I would undergo. My experience at HCH changed my way of thinking and being completely.

Nancy L. Gooch, Ph.D.


My name is William Swenson. Recently I chose to enter HCH's program leading to a certification as a hypnotherapist in California. I a­m proud of the work I did years ago so my standards are high. In every way HCH met or exceeded my expectations for what a great hypnotherapy training program should be.

Learning to hypnotize people is actually pretty easy. Learning how to help someone once they are hypnotized, now that is the challenge and the artistry of hypnosis. HCH provides a spectrum of instructors, men and women, from diverse backgrounds. They are caring and patient. The groups are small enough to give the participant a dual experience. One can learn to do hypnotherapy, but one can choose to simultaneously apply the resources of the teachers and the class to make personal changes over the course of the instruction.

The HCH program is a transpersonal approach to hypnotherapy. While it also incorporates many of the standard behavioral approaches to trance induction, it's chief strength is its rich diversity or formats for working with individuals seeking hypnosis. This is important because it means that it offers approaches and styles for just about everybody to express who they are, or who they could be, as a hypnotherapist.

I started the HCH program for the certification, but I finished with the same kind of wonder, excitement and sense of possibility that I had years ago with NLP. And because this is so, I write this testimonial for HCH, both as a student who increased his knowledge by leaps and bounds, and as a tough consumer who got his money'­s worth. If you have a real desire to turn your interest in human potential or consciousness studies into a role-up-your-sleeves-and-do-it approach to helping others with their journeys in life, then I whole-heartedly recommend the hypnotherapy certification program at HCH.

William Swenson, RN, BSN, PHN, MA, CHT, NLP Trainer

HCH is truly an amazing place to learn and grow. HCH opens up a world of magic and possibilities for me.The depth and breadth of information offered in the training and the compassion the teachers modeled had made my experience there an engaging, heart-opening and life-changing one. HCH is truly an spiritual institution grounded in wisdom and loving action. I feel very proud to say that I am an HCH graduate!

Christine Eggers, CHT

My experience is that I have truly found a home at HCH. The love and acceptance that I have received and been able to give there has enhanced my learning experience and my life so much that I am unable to even fully express it. I recommend the teachers and HCH Institute unreservedly. Thank you, Holly.

Kristi Brown, RN, CCHT