By Dr. Holly Holmes-Meredith, D. Min., MFT, Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
While here on Earth my experience is fully human. I experience the 3-D embodiment for a short blip in time. This time thing is a part of the experience. So is gravity, hunger, pain and being confused and very forgetful about the other dimensions that I am a part of. So is ice cream, blue skies, puppies, the smell of roses, The Beatles, and being hugged by your lover (and best friend.) The trick of being human is that while I am “here” to experience these Earth-connected embodied experiences, I am challenged and enticed by my Divine self to remember that this embodiment experience isn’t the whole enchilada. There are other dimensions that I can awaken to as I break the trance that comes with the human experience. And when I begin to remember that this isn’t the whole story, the body, confusion, pain, hunger and effects of gravity no longer control or limit my experience. In the early stages of remembering, this human 3-D plan, that I seemed to think that I am the victim of, the experience of being human begins to change. Now, this human experience really gets confusing and interesting!
Just about the time I get the hang of being human, I discover that this human thing is a coverup for the Divine reality of who I really am!
What I know of as the duality or law of opposites of this 3-D human dimension begins to waver. I discover that there is only One reality and that there is a continuum of frequencies of how this reality shows up when in the 3-D dimension. In my earth embodiment, there is this dualistic nature of how I experience life. For instance, I discover the duality of the experience of hot and cold temperatures. The same energy that expresses itself as opposites through hot and cold in this 3-D reality, can express itself in unlimited frequencies. And that these unlimited frequencies of energy have knowable and repeatable patterns based on the laws that manifest these frequencies. And that the source of all patterns is consciousness or some Force or aspect that is called the Divine. And on physical earth plane the Divine orchestrates these oppositional frequencies through the law of karma to trigger opportunities to collapse our perceptions of duality to know Oneness. Who would have thought ?
Once I see through the guise that I am ONLY fully human, I begin to remember where I was before I was born into being human. I remember being in and of other dimensions prior to coming into this human life. I remember other lifetimes of being human when I explored other manifestations of duality: male/female, rich/poor, victim/victimizer. I remember that the consciousness behind these expression of duality has a plan for me. The plan is to move between the duality of being an embodied human and being a spirit Divine, forgetting the Oneness behind the duality. And then I remember that the whole point of this back and forth, back and forth being human and Divine, is to awaken to fully remembering that it is ( I am) all ENERGY, a manifestation of consciousness, and that there is One consciousness that is expressed through unlimited frequencies and manifestations in human form (and though non-human forms) through time and space. All manifestation of this Divine force. And once I begin to remember the reality behind all expressions and manifestations of this energy, the human embodiment is no longer limited by the rules of 3-D reality.
This is getting really exciting and compelling. I work to expand my remembering by awakening this consciousness. I begin to connect with the frequencies of this Divine consciousness and these frequencies change the body that is my 3-D vehicle for this lifetime. This new expanded consciousness begins to dissolve the limitations of the perceptions of the duality of being human or Divine and the Oneness of being fully human AND Divine manifest through these new frequencies.
My experience of being a human begins to change. I see things that aren’t there, I know things that can’t be known, I sporadically feel things I never felt before. I experience a timelessness and being out of time and space. I have premonitions and surges of energy and joy. I feel space between every cell in my body. I see light around every living thing. I communicate with spirit beings who guide and teach me. I have experiences of telepathy with those I love. I have healing dreams of being with my deceased family. I have creative urges that I have never had before. I feel love and intimacy that is blissful. I bond with my pets and with nature on a whole new level. I love and accept myself. I feel the pain of others. My heart breaks open to now feel deeper agony and expanded love. I am awakening to being a spiritual being in a human experience. And being a human is morphing into a new expression of humanity, of which I am a small part.
This is amazing! I have completed this phase of the plan. And with these experiences my focus changes and I am consumed with desire to KNOW even more and to be even more fully awake. I discover the paradox that the only way to really know, the Divine is to let go of knowing and to enter into the great mystery by trusting and not-knowing. I am driven to serve and to support the transformation and awakening with others. After all, I have remembered that they and I are One.
I see the underbelly and the effects and suffering caused by the illusion of separateness and the obsession with materialism, personal power and the limits of the human trance. I work to share tools with others in support of the breaking of this trance. I teach, write, guide and hold space for others. I join with the tribe of global transformers who work for the same goals of awakening. And we, together, discover that the Divine plan emerges into new evolving frequencies that will give us the opportunity to continue with a new plan and journey on earth or anywhere else in the Oneness of this multiverse, that will take us to new dimensions that at this point, are unknowable, just as our journey of being human was unknowable, at first. Who would have thought?